Thematic Units
For the first several years of teaching linguistics as an elective, I organized the curriculum the way I was familiar with from introductory linguistics: start with phonology, morphology, and syntax, do some psycholinguistics, pragmatics, and historical linguistics, and wrap up with sociolinguistics.
Then in 2020, I completely revamped the curriculum; instead of it being organized by topic, I decided to organize it by theme. (I go into more detail about that process in my blog.) I considered the big questions or problems that linguistics can help answer, and I taught the linguistic concepts that students could use to inquire into those questions or problems.
For each unit below, I've included essential questions, lessons and activities, recommended readings/videos/podcasts, and the linguistic concepts students learn about to access and inquire into those essential questions. I'll explain more about some of the lessons or approaches in my blog as I go. Some of these units are new, so they're under construction.
You can skip to the units here:
Descriptivism & Prescriptivism in the Public Sphere
True Biz: Language Development & Linguistic Identity
Speaking "American": The Myth of an American Language
Policing Bodies, Policing Voices: Gender, Language, and the Media
Politics, Fanaticism, and Language
Vocabulary (Etymology and Morphology)

Unit 1: Descriptivism & Prescriptivism in the Public Sphere
Essential Questions:
Where do our attitudes and beliefs about language come from?
How do our attitudes and beliefs about language reflect our perceptions of speakers of different language varieties?
How are language ideologies perpetuated by institutions like pop culture, social media, and education?
How is the internet changing the ways we use language?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Readings & media
Because Internet Ch. 1
Descriptivism & prescriptivism (from Do You Speak American?)
"Word Crimes" by Weird Al Yankovic (content warning: ableist slur)
"What Causes Foreign Accents?" from The Five-Minute Linguist
"What is the Right Way to Put Words Together?" from The Five-Minute Linguist
Linguistics topics & terms
Linguistic descriptivism and prescriptivism
Language ideology
Properties of human language
Linguistic knowledge
The arbitrariness of the sign
The creative property of language
Sentences and nonsentences
The linguistic definition of grammar / mental grammar
Usage, mechanics
Types of prescriptivism (Curzan)
Standardized English
Academic English
A brief history of the English language
Unit 2: True Biz: Language Development and Linguistic Identity
Essential Questions:
What does True Biz illustrate about the connections among language, identity, and culture, especially in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community?
How do people develop language? What do signed and spoken languages have in common in terms of grammar and development, and how are they different?
What is language deprivation (and what is it not)? What effect does language deprivation have on people, individually and culturally?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
This is a new unit! More info coming soon!
Readings & media
"How Do Babies Learn Their Mother Tongue?" (chapter from The Five-Minute Linguist)
"What Happens When You're Raised Without Language?"(chapter from The Five-Minute Linguist)
"How Deaf Children in Nicaragua Created a New Language" (article)
Fry's Planet Word episode 1 (signed language & Deaf theatre starts at 42:47)
Linguistics topics & terms
Universal grammar
Language development stages
Language centers in the brain
Expressive and receptive language
The innateness hypothesis
The critical period hypothesis
The Wug Test
Black ASL
Unit 3: Multilingualism
Essential Questions:
How do people learn a second language?
How has our understanding of multilingualism changed over time?
How does being multilingual impact a person's identity and experience of the world?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Spider web discussion on "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" and "Mother Tongue
Dual Language Program Letter (authentic writing)
Readings & media
Translanguaging vs. Codeswitching (Youtube)
Mike Mena's whole YouTube channel is a great resource
"How to Tame a Wild Tongue" by Gloria Anzaldua (essay)
"Mother Tongue" from White Space by Jennifer De Leon (essay)
"Bilingual / Bilingue" by Rhina P. Espaillat (poem)
"What Does it Mean to Be Bilingual?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
The Educational Linguist (blog by Nelson Flores)
"Don't Mind the Gap" from The Vocal Fries (podcast)
"How Good is Machine Translation?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
"How Does the Brain Handle Multiple Languages?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
"Talking with Mi Gente" by Carmen Fought (article)
"Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan
Linguistics topics & terms
Language domains (expressive and receptive)
Simultaneous and sequential bilingualism
Compound, coordinate, and subordinate bilingual
Codeswitching / Translanguaging
Transfer (positive and negative)​
Unit 4: Speaking "American": The Myth of the American Language
Essential Questions:
What is the history of language in America?
How are languages related? How did they evolve?
How does a history of language reflect systems of power, colonization, and racism?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Accents and Dialects in the Media (project)
Perceptual Dialectology Assignment
Readings & media
"How Many Native American Languages are There?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
We Still Live Here (As Nutayunean) (documentary)
"Are American Dialects Dying?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
"Is British English the Best English?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
"What is the Connection between Language and Society?" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
Do You Speak American? Standard American English (documentary)
Do You Speak American? The Northern Cities Vowel Shift (documentary)
Do You Speak American? Perceptual Dialectology & Dennis Preston's Map Experiment (documentary)
Detailed map of American regional dialects (website)
The Story of English: The influence of African languages on the Southern accent
Accents: Where and Why (TED Talk)
Crash Course Linguistics: Language Change & Historical Linguistics
Linguistics topics & terms
The English-only movement in America
Comparative & historical linguistics
Language families
Language change
Grimm's Law
Indigenous languages
Language extinction / dormancy
Speech community
Style / register shift
Language variety, Accent, Dialect
Language Ideology
Prestige dialect / language
Linguistic security & insecurity
Jargon, Slang
Standardized American English
the Northern Cities Vowel Shift,
language and social class
Labov's department store experiment
linguistic disruptors
Unit 5: Black Language on Trial
Essential Questions:
What is Black Language, and how did it develop in the US?
What grammatical, lexigraphical, and phonological features make it a distinct language / dialect?
How does linguistic profiling reproduce racist power structures?
How do marginalized voices contribute to mainstream / popular culture, and what issues arise when those voices are appropriated?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Readings & media
Talking Black in America (documentary)
"Three Ways to Speak English" by Jamila Lysicott (poem)
"We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks (poem)
The Story of English: Gullah-Geechee
"The Cost of Code-Switching" (TED Talk)
Black Language and Court Reporting (article)
"What is African American English" (from The Five-Minute Linguist)
Linguistics topics & terms
Black Language & terminology (AAVE, AAE, etc.)
grammar; syntax​
habitual be
copula drop
-g dropping; -s deletion
history of Black Language
the Great Migration
linguistic appropriation
the Oakland Ebonics controversy
the Ann Arbor decision
John Baugh's housing experiment
code-switching / translanguaging
Unit 6: Policing Bodies, Policing Voices: Gender, Language, and the Media (under construction)
Essential Questions:
How are gender and language discussed in the media?
How has the study of language and gender evolved
How do advertisers use gendered language and images to manipulate consumers’ buying habits?
How is the English language gendered?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Linguistics topics & terms
uptalk (high-rising terminal)
vocal fry (creaky voice)
linguistic disruptors
Polari, argot
conversation styles
positive and negative face
positive and negative politeness
face-threatening act
Unit 7: Marketing and Manipulation (under construction)
Essential Questions:
How do marketers and advertisers use language and images to influence the way we think?
How do creators manipulate perspective to appeal to specific audiences?
How do social media companies use algorithms to manipulate attention?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Readings & media
Sold on Language (book)
Linguistics topics & terms
Unit 8: Politics, Fanaticism, and Language (incomplete)
Essential Questions:
How do politicians, activists, and the media manipulate language and images to persuade?
What is the origin, evolution, and the meaning of the term “cancel culture” and does it matter?
Can media and audiences ever truly be “unbiased?” Is bias bad?
How do “fringe” or “cult-like” groups attract, keep, and manipulate people?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Readings & media
Cultish by Amanda Montell (book)
Speech Acts (animated video)
Grice's Maxims (video)
Linguistics topics & terms
Semantics, pragmatics, linguistic determinism, linguistic relativism, semantic field, framing, collocation, pejoration, connotation, metaphor, euphemism, definiteness, deixis, the Cooperative Principle, Grice's maxims, maxim clash, violating / flouting a maxim, presupposition, implicature, dogwhistle, semantic prosody, speech acts (including locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary), direct & indirect speech acts, felicity conditions, plausible deniability, polysemy
Ongoing Unit: Vocabulary
Essential Questions:
How do new words come into a language, and how do lexicons evolve?
How can we break an unknown word up into its component parts to make an educated guess about its meaning?
How can we use etymology and linguistic innovation in our writing to choose words that are clear, expressive, and compelling?
Lessons, Activities, Assessments
Readings & media
"Go Ahead! Make Up New Words!" (TED Talk)
"How Did English Evolve?" (TED Ed animation)
The Gutenberg Press (Storybots animation)
"What Would Shakespeare's English Have Sounded Like?" (video featuring David and Ben Crystal at the Globe Theatre)
Linguistics topics & terms
Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, Modern English
How words change (broaden, narrow, ameliorate, pejorate, bleach, metonymy)
Content words & function words
Free & bound morphemes
Bound roots
Borrowed words
How morphemes make new words (derivation, back formation, compounding, blending)
Affixes (prefixes, suffixes, infixes, circumfixes
The Wug Test